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Try ProCAD+ 1.08 free today.

An evaluation copy of ProCAD+ is available for you to download and try out for free. The copy has all the features of the full version except the ability to save files. You will be able to try out many of the features by experimentation. This version comes complete with a built-in manual that describes the less obvious features, along with a supplement called QuickStart to get you going.

In order to run the demo. you will need an Acorn RISC OS computer with at least 4Mbyte memory and about 8Mbyte hard disc space. You will also need RISC OS version 3.1 or higher. This version should work with Armini and BeagleBoard and is 26/32 bit neutral.

The demonstration package is supplied as a single file that will need to be unpacked using David Pilling's Spark Plug program. It comes as part of the Ant Internet suite or you can get a copy by clicking on the spark plug.


You can download your demo. copy of ProCAD+ 1.08 by clicking the appropriate icon below. The CADeval file is nearly 3Mb and will take some time to arrive.


Updated 18/05/2014


Once the CADeval file has arrived and been saved, just open it with !SparkPlug and drag the CADdemo directory on to your hard disc. Everything is pre-installed inside CADdemo and is all ready to go. The Interactive Help utility !Help in Apps will give a brief introduction to the use of each window. If you know how to use !Draw then you will feel very much at home with ProCAD+ . Sample drawings and symbols are provided for you to inspect.

Both the full manual and the QuickStart supplement are embedded within the software. These can be accessed through the Help option of ProCAD+'s iconbar menu.

I am sure you will enjoy using the demo. copy and will soon begin to get some idea of what it is like to have the power of a full copy at your finger-tips.

Please note that telephone support is not available for the demonstation software, which is supplied 'as is'.
